Croc: Wiki of the Gobbos

Crystal Island, featured in Croc: Legend of the Gobbos, is the fifth and final (or secret) island of the game. This island is only unlocked once the player obtains all eight Jigsaw Pieces from the previous eight secret levels by finding all six Gobbos from all normal levels. These levels are unique to other levels in the game, as no Gobbos or Jigsaw Pieces are found; the only objective is to complete the levels. When the player has completed all five levels and defeated the final GuardianThe Secret Sentinel, the game will be 100% completed.


Code Title Type Features Password
5-1 And so the Adventure Returns Normal Level LLDLURRLLLRULUR
5-2 Diet Brrrrr Normal Level UDRUULRLLDULDDL
5-3 Trial on the Nile Normal Level RRRLURLDLLRUULR
5-4 Crox Interactive Normal Level DDDDULDURRUURUU
5-B Secret Sentinel Guardian Level LLLLDRRLLDRDLUR



Yippee! An image gallery for Crystal Island is available. Click here to access it.


  • The island's first four levels are themed after the four islands, with And So The Adventure Returns mimicking the Forest Island, Diet Brrrrr in a similar style to the Ice Island, Trial On The Nile themed like the Desert Island, and Crox Interactive like the Castle Island.
  • Most of the stages on each level look similar to several of the stages of some of the levels Croc had previously visited on the first four Islands, only being more or less altered to increase the challenge of each stage (e,g more enemies).
  • The code for the final boss is the same code as the code for Riot Brrrrr. If you type it in then you will be put on Riot Brrrrr but you have all levels unlocked.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos Levels
Forest Island And so the Adventure BeginsUnderground OvergroundShoutin' Lava Lava LavaLair of the FeebleThe Curvy CavernsThe Tumbling DantiniCave FearDarkness DescendsFight Night with FlibbyThe Twisty Tunnels
Ice Island The Ice of LifeBe Wheely CarefulRiot BrrrrrChumly's Snow DenClouds of IceI Snow Him so WellSay No SnowLicence to ChillDemon Itsy's Ice PalaceIce Bridge to Eternity
Desert Island Lights, Camel, Action!Mud Pit ManiaGoin' UndergroundThe Deadly Tank of NeptunaArabian HeightsSand and FreedomLeap of FaithLife's a BeachCactus Jack's RanchDefeato Burrito
Castle Island The Tower of PowerHassle in the CastleDungeon of DefrightFosley's Freaky DonutSmash and SeeBallistic Meg's FairwaySwipe Swiftly's Wicked RidePanic at Platform Pete's LairBaron Dante's Funky InfernoJailhouse Croc
Crystal Island And so the Adventure ReturnsDiet BrrrrrTrial on the NileCrox InteractiveSecret Sentinel